
Not about the "how" but rather the "why" of leadership (The Motive van Patrick Lencioni)

Many books have been written, including by Patrick Lencioni himself, on how leaders can lead to make and keep their organisation as healthy as possible.

About organised and harmonious collaboration ...

How do we deal with legitimate demands for greater employee participation and involvement? How do we give employees (back) impact on their work domain? How do we create and encourage ownership?

The New Organisation - impressions

Co-creation, by definition, is working together. Here are some atmospheric images from the Stanwick event on 14 November 2017 around the New Organisation.

The power of Agile and Scrum

Scrum emerged as a method for developing software in the mid-1990s from the Lean philosophy.

Exploring behavioural preferences with Insights Discovery

"I can self-direct only that of which I am aware. That which I am not aware of, on the contrary, directs me." John Whitmore  

Getting people to really think ... how do you do that?

Or ... what do tennis balls and compliments have in common? To give the answer immediately: they help you think! How?

The 3 characteristics of the ideal team player (Patrick Lencioni, 2016)

Patrick Lencioni, author of "the 5 frustrations of teamwork", explores the characteristics of team players in his latest book. What makes a team member help promote team performance meaningfully?

Stanwick starts working on your 'life orientations' (LIFO)

LIFO® has recently been among the quality and user-friendly tools offered by Stanwick in development programmes.

Walk the talk

People are more influenced by what someone does than by what they say. Saying something and not doing it doesn't work. A leader is someone who is able to set the right example.

The future of manufacturing in Western Europe

Jeffrey R. Immelt, CEO of General Electric, reflects on the future of manufacturing in the United States in the March 2012 Harvard Business Review magazine.

Current trends in Process Excellence

Process excellence trends teach us that there is currently more focus on speed and time reduction.