Privacy Policy
Last updated: 09/08/2022
Stanwick respects the privacy of all users on its website ( The personal information you provide to us will always be treated in confidence.
Our company is located at Beerveldse Baan 2/0002, 9080 Lochristi
Our company number or VAT number is BE 407 098 508
This Privacy Statement takes effect on 25/05/2018, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation on 25/05/2018.
1. Your privacy is at stake.
In this Privacy Statement, we indicate what personal data we collect and process from you as a natural person. We want to process your personal data in a legal, correct and transparent manner. We do this with care. Your rights as a customer, prospective customer, supplier, contact person of a company, in whatever capacity, are safeguarded. We explain what Stanwick uses your data for and also give you more information about your privacy rights and how to exercise them.
Stanwick may amend this privacy statement. You can always find the most recent version at
For more information on privacy legislation in Belgium in general, you can also visit, the website of the Belgian Data Protection Authority (formerly called the Privacy Commission).
Stanwick is an international business consultant advising and guiding companies in their growth and transition. Our highly experienced hands-on team helps clients evolve through consultancy, coaching and training. Stanwick helps its clients achieve fundamentally lasting progress in internal functioning, service, cost and quality, contributing to their long-term competitiveness. In this context, Stanwick processes personal data.
If you have questions about privacy or wish to adjust your privacy settings or exercise your rights, you can reach Stanwick in the following ways:
- By phone at 09/210 59 50
- Via the following email address:
2. Your privacy rights.
If your data are processed, you have many rights. When Stanwick asks your permission for processing, you can withdraw your permission whenever you want.
You have inspection rights
If you want to inspect the data Stanwick processes about you, please let us know. If you exercise your right of inspection, Stanwick will provide you with an overview of your data that is as complete as possible. Some personal data from classic backup or archive files may not be included in this overview. These data do not form part of the currently processed personal data and are therefore not immediately available. They cannot therefore be included. However, they are deleted from these files according to standard cleaning processes.
You have the right to have data corrected
It may happen that certain data Stanwick has stored about you are not (no longer) correct. You can always ask to have those data corrected or completed.
You have the right to have data deleted.
If you suspect that Stanwick is processing certain data unlawfully, you can ask for it to be deleted.
You have the right to oppose certain uses of data.
If you disagree with the way Stanwick processes certain data on the basis of its legitimate interest (see 3), you can oppose it.
You can exercise your rights.
Always be as specific as possible when you want to exercise your rights. Then Stanwick can handle your question concretely and correctly. Do you have a question, remark or complaint? Please contact Stanwick by phone at 09/210 59 50 or via the following email address: This is your first point of contact for reasons of privacy.
If the above contact person could not give you a satisfactory answer, you can contact Stanwick's ‘Data Protection Office’: in writing by sending a letter to Stanwick NV, Beerveldse Baan 2/0002, 9080 Lochristi or by email to
Want more information or don't agree with Stanwick's position? Then be sure to visit the site of the Belgian Data Protection Authority,
You can also file a complaint there.
3. Why Stanwick processes your personal data.
Stanwick must comply with legal obligations in the context of tax and accounting processing of customer and supplier transactions.
Stanwick must be able to perform a contract correctly.
As a customer with Stanwick, you provide a number of services. As a supplier, you provide services. Those services Stanwick must process administratively and accounting-wise.
Stanwick must be able to function as a business.
This is called ‘legitimate interest’.
In addition to the purposes listed above, Stanwick, as a commercial enterprise, has a number of legitimate interests that form the basis for processing personal data. In doing so, Stanwick takes care that the impact on your privacy is as limited as possible and that, in any case, the balance between Stanwick's legitimate interests and their possible impact on your privacy is not disturbed. Should you nevertheless object to such processing, you can exercise your right to object.
For example, personal data are processed in various situations such as: customer and supplier analysis, risk analysis, process analysis to make strategic choices.
In order to effectively answer questions from other customers or prospects (e.g. in offers), or when Stanwick offers them spontaneous tailor-made proposals, it is possible that Stanwick, in carefully protected underlying processes, consults customer profiles of you as a basis for comparison. Naturally, your personal data will not be disclosed in this process.
Stanwick uses your personal data to engage in direct marketing.
Stanwick wants to offer you, as a company, proposals about its services. This can happen at your explicit request, or if Stanwick suspects that you are interested in or would benefit from a service.
This information can reach you in many ways: through direct contact with Stanwickconsultants, the internet and apps, by email, by post, by phone and at events.
With your explicit consent for customised information, Stanwick can make highly personalised proposals to you. Stanwick only uses your professional personal data for this purpose.
You can withdraw your consent at any time.
Your consent for tailor-made information only applies to Stanwick NV.
Stanwick imposes a number of restrictions on itself:
- Stanwick does not use spyware.
- If you do not want a highly personalised offer, you do not consent to personalised information.
- But even if you do not give consent, you can still receive offers or advertising from Stanwick. For these basic offers, Stanwick only uses a limited amount of data (such as your professional role and function, your professional contact details). Stanwick can only make offers for its own services.
- Stanwick does not sell or rent your personal data to third parties.
4. Stanwick uses different types of data depending on the purpose.
Stanwick processes your personal data for different purposes:
- information to contact you and advise you correctly: phone number, e-mail, professional address, IM address, a history of contacts/interventions/projects in your organisation.
- Stanwick sometimes processes public data. This may include data that you have made public yourself, such as information on your website, your blog or through your publicly accessible social media profile. It may also be data that is public because, for example, it is widely known in your area or has appeared in the press.
- What you tell our Stanwick employee may be processed. If you have contact with a Stanwick employee in an office, by phone, by mail, ... this is usually recorded: to build up a contact history, to have a (short) record of the contact, as a reminder for tasks that our employee still has to perform.
- Even if you are not yet a customer, Stanwick can store the information you communicate. That information can then be used later when you become a customer.
- Besides the personal data of contacts, Stanwick also keeps data of your company. Those data of legal persons cover all aspects of the customer relationship: a (historical) overview of projects and contacts, possibly the group of companies to which the customer belongs, and also the data of contact persons.
- Please note that legal persons may only provide us with personal data of natural persons associated with them if those persons have sufficient knowledge of this and, if necessary, consent. The legal entity therefore indemnifies Stanwick against any liability (to the individuals concerned) in this regard. For example, the company is responsible for complying with privacy laws when it passes on a list of users for an intervention or training.
5. Security and confidentiality.
Not everyone gets to see your data at Stanwick.
Only persons authorised to do so have access to personal data, and only if those data are relevant to fulfil their mission.
Within Stanwick, your personal data are in principle only processed and consulted by certain services/persons
with whom you have, had or wish to have a contractual relationship or contacts,
whose intervention is required for the provision or follow-up of services,
that fulfil legal requirements or requirements imposed by regulators or arising from expectations of corporate governance.
Some examples:
- Confidential business information provided to the Stanwick consultant as part of an engagement will remain with that consultant.
- Private data shared in the context of a coaching assignment remain strictly within the coach-coach relationship, and are otherwise not processed further.
Those who may access your data are also bound by strict professional discretion and must comply with all technical regulations to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data, and the security of the systems containing them.
Your data will be processed internally and in a limited number of places.
Stanwick does the processing of personal data internally. Data processing includes some control and support functions such as:
- financial reporting,
- marketing support,
- billing support, payment processing,
- building know-how
- ICT management.
For ICT management, Stanwick also works with external processors who themselves comply with privacy legislation. Examples: software development for accounting and billing; server and network support, website development and maintenance, etc.
Other processors.
Furthermore, Stanwick, may use other processors, such as:
- Lawyers and other consultants,
- ICT (security) service providers, such as Microsoft, Dell, Google, ...
- marketing and communication agencies that support Stanwick to determine and analyse your user behaviour on our internet site.
Stanwick takes concrete measures to secure your data.
Stanwick ensures that strict rules are followed and that the processors involved
- have only the data they need to perform their tasks,
- have committed to Stanwick to process that data securely and confidentially and to use it only for the performance of their assignments.
Stanwick takes internal technical and organisational measures to prevent personal data from falling into the hands of and being processed by unauthorised persons, or from being accidentally altered or destroyed.
The premises, servers, network, transfers and data are strictly secured.
Together with you, we must be aware that exchanges via e-mail can be intercepted and strive, where possible, to apply another means of communication or limit the information.
The Stanwick website may contain links to third-party websites or information. Stanwick does not control those third-party websites or information. The providers of those websites or information may have their own privacy policies. We therefore recommend that you read those. Stanwick is not responsible for the content of those websites, their use or the privacy policies of those websites.
Stanwick sometimes facilitates the publication of (personal) data via social media such as LinkedIn. Please remember that those channels have their own terms of use which you have to comply with yourself. Publication on social media may have (unwanted) consequences, also for your privacy or that of persons about whom you share data. You may not be able to remove a publication at short notice. You must therefore assess the consequences yourself, as you make the decision about publication on those media. Stanwick does not accept any responsibility for this.
Stanwick does not keep your data forever.
Stanwick uses your personal data if Stanwick has a clear purpose for doing so. If Stanwick no longer has a purpose, we delete the data.
The starting point for keeping your personal data is the legal retention period (often up to 10 years after the end of a contract or the performance of an intervention). For the exercise of our rights, this may be longer. If the law does not prescribe a retention period, the retention may be shorter.
Stanwick does not simply respond to enquiries from third parties. Duty of discretion is observed.
Because Stanwick must comply with its duty of discretion and privacy laws, it can only respond to third-party enquiries if they are based on (i) a legal provision or legitimate interest, (ii) necessary for the performance of the contract, or (iii) with the data subject's consent.
In the latter case, it even recommends requesting the data from the data subject himself.
Stanwick cannot be held liable if the lawful recipients of data, (in accordance with applicable legal obligations) have to submit personal data of customers or of legal entities to local authorities or treat them insecurely.
You too can help secure your data.
On certain aspects of (technical) data processing, Stanwick has no or insufficient influence and cannot guarantee total security. Just think about the internet or mobile communications (such as smartphones).
When hackers are at work, Stanwick does not always manage to repel their cyber attacks in time. Sometimes it even has no control over them at all, for example if a hacker manages to get your identification data by installing illegal software on your computer (spyware) or by creating a fake website (phishing).
6. Use of cookies
We use functional cookies on this site. These cookies ensure that specific preferences are stored on your computer. If you then visit the website later, this data is read in again. This includes, for instance, your choice of language and which pages you have visited in the past. This data is interpreted by us to optimise the quality of the website and our services.
You can choose to disable these cookies. You do so by using your browser's options. You can find more information about these options on the website of your browser provider.
Third-party cookies
Sometimes we refer to parts of external websites. These websites may also track other cookies. We recommend that you check the privacy policies of these websites separately.
7. Security
All data stored by us are in a secure environment. We make every effort to use the most common standards within the IT sector to secure this data and its transmission.
Personal data processed for customer management purposes will be kept for the period necessary to comply with legal requirements (including in the field of accounting).
Data to third parties
We do not share your data with third parties. We only share your address data with partners who process the data in function of our services. Our employees and partners engaged by us are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.
Data breach
We make every effort to secure your data, but if the privacy of your personal data should nevertheless be compromised by a data breach, you will be notified immediately. We will then make every effort to counter this leak in the future through a preventive approach.
8. How to contact us regarding our privacy policy?
You can always request the data we hold about you. If you wish to respond to our privacy policy, you can also contact us via the following channels:
- by e-mail:
- by phone: 09 210 59 50
- by post: Beerveldse Baan 2/0002, 9080 Lochristi
You always have the right to be ‘forgotten’. You can contact us via the above details.
Upon request, we offer visitors the opportunity to correct any incorrect data we hold about them. If you wish to correct your personal data, please contact us on the channels mentioned above.
If you find that our site does not comply with our privacy policy, please contact us using the details above.
When we update our privacy policy, we will update the ‘last updated’ date at the top of this policy. For major updates, we may also do so through other channels, such as e-mail.