

'Lean' strives for high quality, low costs, reliable and short delivery times, with a minimum of resources. The Lean system consists of a large number of smart technologies & applies to both production, administration (Lean Office), and supply chain (Lean Supply Chain, Lean Warehouse).  

The 5 core principles of Lean are:

  1. Define 'value' from the customer perspective: What is value for the customer? What does the customer wants to pay for?
  2. Identify all necessary steps to design, order & produce the product across the entire 'value stream (via 'Value Stream Mapping' or VSM)
  3. Implement 'Flow': produce the right volume according to the customer demand, with the right quality within the agreed delivery time by eliminating non-value adding activities.
  4. Only do what is requested by the customer, work according to the Pull principle.
  5. Strive for perfection by continuously eliminating losses. Do not work harder, but smarter!  

The Lean system consists of a large number of smart technologies. The key is to use them in a targeted way, so cherry-picking is not enough. See below a selection of the 'Lean building blocks' that we use in Stanwick in production, office, warehouse, supply chain, ...:

  • Systematic planning: One-piece flow - FIFO - Supermarket - Kanban - One Point Scheduling - Planning wheel - Line balancing – Load levelling (Heijunka) – Mixed Modelling – Value Stream Mapping
  • Systematic working: Single Minute Exchange or Dies (SMED) - Standard work - Poka Yoke - 5S - Visual Management – Andon – Cell Layout - Kaizen – Go to gemba
  • Systematic design: 3P (Production Preparation Process)

Tim Beghin
Tim Beghin
Lean – Design Thinking – Project Management