Green Belt Lean-Six Sigma DMAIC Project Leader autumn 2024

Green Belt DMAIC

What is lean?

Lean is a management philosophy and methodology that originated in the manufacturing sector, specifically at Toyota. The goal of Lean is to maximise customer value by eliminating waste and improving efficiency. It focuses on identifying and eliminating activities that do not add value to the product or service, such as waiting times, overproduction, unnecessary movements and defects.

What is six sigma?

Six Sigma originally originated at Motorola in the 1980s and has since spread as an effective approach to improving quality and reducing variation in processes. This systematic approach focuses on identifying and eliminating defects and aiming for only 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Through rigorous data analysis and statistical tools, Six Sigma helps organisations increase efficiency, reduce costs, systematically solve problems and improve customer satisfaction.

What is the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma Green Belt?

This "Process Improvement Methodologies” Lean Six Sigma Green Belt combines the rigorous, statistical approach of Six Sigma with the simplicity and speed of the Lean philosophy. This allows participants to achieve the challenging financial goals of their company faster and in a more efficient way. The continuous success of companies is more and more depending on the presence of specialised collaborators who can optimise processes in team as well as production, service and administrative processes.

Who is the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma Green Belt for?

The Stanwick Green Belt is the ideal entry level for team leaders active in process improvement. In our format, participants receive in-depth training in the essential components to lead and successfully complete a DMAIC project. They gain insight into the background and philosophy of process improvement techniques. They are trained in understanding and applying the various tools from both the LEAN and the SIX SIGMA toolbox. In addition, tools are also trained to smoothly guide the improvement initiative through the organisation.

More info about yellow belt, green belt and black belt

Where can I apply the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma Green Belt knowledge afterwards?

Lean Six Sigma principles can be applied in a wide range of industries and sectors. Although Lean Six Sigma was initially developed for the manufacturing sector, it has evolved and found applications in various fields. 

More case studies from various sectors

What is our approach during the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma Green Belt?

  • The Green Belt course consists of 3 work sessions each of 3 consecutive days.
  • Each work session offers a mix of theoretical foundation and practical exercises.
  • Each participant should preferably have a project regarding process improvement.
  • During the training, there are feedback moments about the progress and possible problems in these projects.
  • Each session provides the opportunity for exchanging experiences with other participants.
  • At the end of the training an exam is administered and participants who get a score of 70% or higher will receive a Green Belt Training Certificate.

What can you expect during the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma Green Belt?

  • Analysis techniques to recognise waste in your own business processes.
  • Project prioritisation tools based on the differences between chronic and acute problems.
  • Selection criteria for choosing the right approach / tools regarding the defined problem.
  • A thorough knowledge of the Lean-Six Sigma DMAIC methodology:
    • As a project management structure
    • As a statistic toolbox
    • As a lean toolbox
    • As a problem-solving toolbox
  • Teamwork approach in process improvement projects.
  • Change management approach by managing a process improvement project

What is the training program during the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma Green Belt?


  • Basic philosophy of Lean-Six Sigma DMAIC
  • Lean principles: value, value stream (mapping), create flow, establish pull, pursue perfection
  • Identifying wastes in the process: 7 technical + 3 human wastes
  • Chronic vs. Acute variation: the Kepner-Tregoe approach to acute variation


  • Defining your process improvement project (business case, project charter, social contract, stakeholder analysis, communication plan)
  • Visualisation of the process (SIPOC, flow chart, value stream mapping, ...)
  • Voice-of-the-customer (KANO, CTQs, ...)
  • Building and managing your project team


  • Funnelling (priority matrix, FMEA)
  • Data collection plan (TAKT-time, lead time cycle time, operational definition, sampling,…)
  • Visualisation of data (histogram, Pareto chart, time plot, box-plot,…)


  • Root cause analysis (5 WHY’s, Ishikawa, 6 M’s)
  • Value added – Non value added analysis
  • Data-analysis (stratification, hypothesis-testing, regression)


  • Generate, evaluate and select the solutions (brainstorming, creativity, selection- and decision-making techniques)
  • Creating an efficient process: linking value added activities according to the pace and the demand of the customer
  • Lean Toolbox: 5S, line balancing, visual management, standard work, Kaizen, Poka Yoke,…


  • Control charts (Statistical Process Control) and process capabilities
  • Securing the results: standardisation, documentation, training, …

More info about the DMAIC approach

How does the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification proceed?

Participants receive, after following the training and passing the exam, a Green Belt Training Certificate. If they want to receive a Green Belt Certificate, they need to successfully perform a process improvement project according to the DMAIC-roadmap. Stanwick can coach them during this project execution and after participating in the final presentation of the project hand them their Green Belt Certificate. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to receive more information on project certification.

What software is used for the statistical exercises?

Participants will receive a Minitab Statistical software - MSS - license ( throughout the training course. By integrating Minitab into the Green Belt training, theoretical concepts are converted into practical applications, making participants better prepared to carry out effective improvement projects and add value to organisations.



The course language is Dutch.

What do other participants say about the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma Green Belt?

“The training helped me to understand how to solve complex problems in a structured way.”

“The training is highly applicable within my own work area, it is very practical.”

“After the Green Belt training, you realise what you’re getting yourself into when starting a process improvement project.”

“The training convinced me of the practical use of statistics.”

“Useful not only for Six Sigma projects, but certainly also in my daily life / work”

“Insight into the practical use of these methodologies, case studies are realistic.”

Interested in more customer testimonials?

Who are the Stanwick Lean Six Sigma trainers?

Both trainers facilitate trainings and assist companies in implementing Process Improvement Methodologies.

Tim Beghin, senior management consultant, assists companies in improving manufacturing and non-manufacturing processes. He has hands-on experience in executing complex projects within a multi-cultural setting and applying Lean principles in different domains (pharmaceutical, chemical, food, metal). He is also skilled in coaching design thinking and innovation workshops and organising events. He graduated in Bioengineering in Cell and Gene Technology at the VUB and Master in Business Economics from the University of Ghent. He is a Lean and Six Sigma Black Belt and a certified Design Thinking workshop facilitator.

Katia Van den Bremt: Senior management consultant, coaches companies in the implementation of project management, management of change (human dynamics) and management development. She is experienced in implementing and coaching improvement processes, management development & coaching and general HR management. She has over 12 years of experience in consulting. She has a Masters Degree in Business Psychology at the University of Ghent and an MBA in General Management at the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School. She is a certified MBTI facilitator (Step I & II) with Oxford Psychologists Press, she is Belbin Team-role accredited, has a Green & Black Belt in Six Sigma and she is a Project Management Professional (PMP®) at the Project Management Institute (PMI). She is also a guest lector at ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich.

  • Domein Martinus, Zoersel
  • September, 24-25-26 2024
  • October, 21-22-23 2024
  • November, 12-13-14 2024
  • € 5500 (excl. VAT) (discount of 35% starting from second participant of same company).
Price includes Minitab license, course material and lunch. Overnight stays are not included, but can be requested directly from Domain Martinus.
More info and sign up
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