Customer testimonial

Stanwick J&J case



“We had a top experience learning the 'Insights Discovery' profiles and colors as a team. It takes our team to another level. The simplicity allows us to use the colors in our daily teamwork, coaching and meetings. Despite the virtual session, Caroline managed to captivate us from start to finish!"

Anke Grootaert, Senior Manager QA NPI and R&D Janssen Inc

"It is always great to work with a company who feels like a true partner, and that is exactly what I’ve found in collaborating with Stanwick on organizational design, people & team development and change management for more than fifteen years. I’m always impressed how well they understand the problem and frame solutions in a broader context while keeping focus on people and the human dynamics. I like how Stanwick not only defines and applies models and tools, but also makes them real and useful for our teams. I look forward to the continuation of our partnership."

Bart Wens, Director Project Portfolio, Engineering & Property Services




Organisational design

Organisations need to know whether their internal structures, systems and behavioural patterns equip them adequately for the new challenges they face today. Stanwick helps clients to gain clear insight into the major advantages of building a team-centred organisation and laying down a specific strategy.


The team process is guided by a pragmatic roadmap based on the theory of Patrick Lencioni. In his model, he describes five foundations that are necessary for a successful team: trust, open dialogue, commitment, accountability and co-ownership. we create a secure framework and ensure that all team members are willing to talk.