consent decision making

"Good enough for now, safe enough to try?"

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is

Employees make choices. Take care that their choice supports the organisation.

Ever met an employee who doesn’t care what he does and why he works every day?

Sociocracy ... a form of dynamic governance

Holacracy or sociocracy? Consensus or consent? Rings or circles?
FPO roadmap

“Success doesn’t just happen. It’s planned for”

Stanwick’s roadmap for successful organisational development
High Performance organisatie

How do you build a High performance organisation?

How do you build an organisation that will perform excellently today and continue to sustainably perform?
Sociocracy 3.0

Everyone equal in our company. Is that possible?

Sociocracy (abbreviated to S3) is a work philosophy for effectively and efficiently shaping and leading organisati
Shared leadership

Leadership 2020 2.0

A glossary for a new decade, for sustainable and shared leadership
workshop in Agile/SCRUM training

Agile/SCRUM: learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

Stanwick provides SCRUM training workshops to help your teams to understand the agile philosophy, learn the SCRUM framework, roles and artefacts so they will be able to successfully apply SCRUM in…
De sterkte van je zwakheden

The strength of your weaknesses

What are we talking about? We are all only too aware that we can only be our “best self” (i.e.
Holacracy ... de 6 evoluties

Holacracy ... the 6 evolutions

Our business environment is (has become) an enormously complex and rapidly evolving system. Rather too complex to manage centrally and with a pyramid organisational structure.
Spanningen in je team? … Goed zo! Stanwick

Tensions within your team? … Great!

Tensions within your team are often perceived as negative, and everyone has his own way of dealing with them: some would rather ignore them, and certainly don't want to name them, while others just
Succesvol aan de slag met Intervisie

Successful start with Intervision

You are learning from colleagues the whole day long.
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